Promote legislation, legislative activities and ideas that enhance the utilization and practice of PAs in Indiana.
Provide timely information to PAs on legislative issues affecting physician assistant practice in Indiana.
Provide representation and expertise on legislative issues that affect PA practice.
Promote collaborative relationships with legislators, professional groups and organization important to the success of IAPA's legislative interests.
Serve as IAPA's primary source for practice-related problems, questions and solutions.
Maintain relationships with other healthcare organizations, associations, academies, third-party payers and governmental bodies, such as the Indiana State Department of Health.
Maintain a relationship with the Indiana Rural Health Association.
Promote strategic alliances with key organizations in rural or urban communities.
Coordinate the crafting of new PA legislation and/or modification of current legislation affecting PA practice.
Work closely with the IAPA lobbyist and legal counsel.
Write articles for the IAPA newsletter regularly updating the PA constituency and membership on legislative or PA practice issues.
Chair shall act as the primary liaison between the state and federal legislature and the related constituency.